Selling Your Home >>

Your home value is constantly fluctuating - that’s why it is so important to let us perform a professional valuation. With this information, you’ll be able to determine whether it’s the right time to list your home. After our initial discussion we will provide you with a detailed Comparative Market Analysis explaining what your home is worth then once you have committed to working with us exclusively we will walk you through the listing process including the many services we provide. Additionally, we will offer staging & design suggestions to ensure you market your home so that it attains the highest value possible.




In 2009 team lead Ayren Pfeifer obtained an Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) designation & started a staging business alongside her Real Estate business. We believe that staging sells homes! The Pfeifer Team has been trained to assist homeowners in the art of arranging furniture and home décor in addition to offering full service staging services. Studies show that a staged home often sells faster and for more money. There is an art to selling a home and with an experienced stager on your team your home will appeal to more buyers.

Marketing Your Home

Once we have signed an Exclusive Listing Agreement, the real work begins! The Pfeifer Team engages a highly effective marketing plan to expose your home to as many buyers as possible. With attention-grabbing verbiage, staging, professional photography, print marketing, social media ad promotion, property-specific videos and promoted open houses your listing is sure to stand out among the competition.


Technology has made the administrative side of selling your home much easier than in years past. As a client of The Pfeifer Team you will be connected to your very own transaction coordinator (TC) who walk you through each and every disclosure of your home sale. Your TC will have the ability to send you documents for e-signature throughout your transaction making the process easy & convenient.


Buying A Home >>

Every successful home purchase follows a series of steps. In preparation for your search, we will first ask that you provide either a loan pre-approval or proof of funds. If you aren’t already working with a lender, we will gladly refer you to one of our preferred lenders who will ensure your financial eligibility. If it is necessary to sell your current home before qualifying to purchase your next home The Pfeifer Team can assist you in preparing for your home transition. When the time is right, we will work diligently to find you the best property within your parameters.


Upon contract ratification, the inspection process unfolds. Sometimes inspections occur without incident and other times inspection reports can uncover hidden issues that can change the course of a transaction. During this phase of the transaction, your agent becomes a trusted advisor & navigator through the inspection/repair process. Our goal is to guide you when you find yourself at an impasse. The Pfeifer Team works with a select few trusted Home Inspectors, Contractors and Vendors who will be honest and affordable.

preparing to move

You’ll be busy preparing for a big move, we’ll be busy taking care of all the details. Your agent works with a transaction coordinator to prepare paperwork which, in turn, they will walk you through. If it is a first time purchase, we will ensure that you understand the process as we educate you every step of the way.

Your agent will ensure you understand the regulations of your new Home Owner’s Association (if applicable) and address any concerns you may have. Weeks before closing, it is imperative to have your utilities established. You will be provided with a list of local service providers and reminded when it’s time to set them up. These are just a few examples of how we can ensure your home purchase goes smoothly. Every home purchase is unique and The Pfeifer Team is prepared to handle your transaction no matter how dynamic it is.

Finding Your Next Tenant >>

At some point you may find yourself needing to place a tenant in your home. As an alternative to traditional Property Management services The Pfeifer Team will assist you in all facets of seeking out and placing the best possible tenant for you. If you find yourself needing a tenant but not wanting to deal with the hassle of advertising, vetting applicants or lease paperwork, The Pfeifer Team is qualified to help. We have implemented a highly effective marketing strategy to ensure you have multiple qualified tenants to choose from. Although we do not offer traditional ongoing property management services, we can do the “heavy lifting” of finding your tenant and maintaining a relationship with them in the event our services are needed in the future.

Finding Your Next Rental >>

Let’s be honest, navigating the San Diego rental market is intimidating. Over the years we’ve given lots of advice to folks who aren’t quite ready to purchase a home in the San Diego market but are overwhelmed by the competition facing renters, especially those from out of the area. As a military spouse, team lead Ayren Pfeifer has fielded many of those calls from worried military families who don’t understand how best to find a rental home while managing the stress (& often short time frame) of a PCS move. We are here to help. Whether it’s conducting showings via video conferencing, advising you on the application process, or acting as your advocate your success rate skyrockets with one of our team members on your side.